Tagboard Profile I'm Brenda(03041991) Kind of a racist sometimes, but I'm actually sociable. I hate lizards. I don't eat veggies. Wish to grow up faster, and get education off my ass. I ain't any bookworm. Nah gooood~ I love my family and freinds! & my ♥dearest, of course :D Archives October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 Exits Adrian AikSong AiYin Alex Amanda Andrea Andric Alvin Atiqa BeeSuan BoonSiong Calista ChaoHong Cheryl ChingYee Damien Darren Delwyn Desmond Diona Dixon Edward Elaine Gadis GekTheng Geraldine Helena Hendy HuiShi HuiTing HuiYan Ivy Jacelyn Jackie Jade Janice Jannah Jazzrel Jeremy Jermine Jeslyn JiaHui JingXiang Joan Joe Jolinne KaiYan KarYing KokKeong KokLeong Lavinia LeeCheng LiHui May Melissa MengKui NatalieK. NatalieL. Nevin RenaK. RenaP. RouYi RuiQi RuiYang Shana ShuRong SiQi SiThu Tammie TeoSian TingTing TzuHsuan Valerie Vannie Vivian WanLing WanQing WanTing WeiJie WenBin Winifred XinMin XianLing YanLin YanRu YanShan YiLing YongXiang YuChun YunTing ZhenYang ZhiYing ZhongRong ZhongSheng FHMB♥ Trombone Section♥ Tuition Credits skin by: Jane |
Monday, December 31, 2007 @ 1:31 PM
satoSen Went Sentosa with primary school friendyyyysss. Ok, very tiredddddd. :{ Counting down with family and relatives cum cousins at i-don't-know-where. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 !!!! 2008!!! Readers! Send me your greetings!!! I love greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really. Saturday, December 29, 2007 @ 4:33 PM
WHEEE WHOAAAA AHHH. tiredddddddddddDDDDDDD, BBQ with tuition buddays and seniors. :} niceeeeyyyy~~ Sentosa with primary school friends tmr. Oh hey hi hio, how greatttttt~ laughtersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :D @ 9:23 AM
Crimbo School's reopening in 5 days time. Finally uh?! :D:D:D Having tuition bbq tomorrow night. I'm feeling hungry now. Arrgh. *grumbles* I, woke up at 4.57am today due to stomach cramp. I Damn it. What a timing. Make me feel so ^%$#. And and and, Supernatural is FINALLY showing tonight. After 2/3 weeks of waiting. But but but, I've watched tonight's episode about Vampires before. I'll watch it again, 'cos i closed muy eyes for most of the parts last time. ._. Hey, I want (more) scarfs. :} Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 6:35 AM
Back There's so little pictures. All right, 'cos I was playing and had too much fun! Once again, Merry belated Christmas?! lmao. Countdown~ Sunday, December 23, 2007 @ 2:20 PM
Away Christmas Chalet from 23rd -26th. Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 8:58 AM
Fryday Supernatural tonight :DD Hurray& Hip Hip Hurray How nice if I have kids/babies now. Oh yah, for PAE Admission, JJC. ^%$#@ I'm a April kid. Tuesday, December 11, 2007 @ 2:10 PM
Emo ![]() The rubber bands in my mouth is driving me ^%$#&*! (mad) Monday, December 10, 2007 @ 4:37 AM
Weakends=Weekends Went Bugis with XXX, Pig and Dio. Bought 2 tees. Then went Yoshinoya to eat. Ice Milo cost 2 dollars. ._. Then went to Grandma house. Saw baby Chelsey again :DD Planned for the upcoming Christmas season chalet, so wicked, & I mean the games. Really LMAO. Red, Green & White are the colour codes for the chalet days! Seriously, holidays are ... Brand new year 2008. Counting, I'm 17 next year. Smoo~ GET A LIFE! Retirement Age: 65 years old. Saturday, December 8, 2007 @ 1:40 PM
No No Supernatural today. What to do? @ 1:37 PM
:D Back, finally, I miss something, Shopping spree, maybe a real spree when I grow up. Facebook is fun, better than Friendster. Facebook has got like, so much craps, much more than Friendster. So, people who ain't got any life(sorry), join Facebook. Quite entertaining, though. Lastly. Presenting my wonderful junior, Rui Yang. Lmao~ ![]() I love Rui Yang, Natalie Kang, Wei Jie, Javan, Rou Yi, Lee Cheng, Ming Yao :D Monday, December 3, 2007 @ 1:50 PM
FHMB Great concert! Great great great! Misses and lovessssssss. Sure to miss each and everyone of you peeps in my section! Great juniors and lads!! Moments spent with you people are memorable and shall never be forgotten. GREAT PEOPLE IN MY SECTION! :DD I'm loss for words. Thank you Rui Yang!! :DDD jyjy~ @ 1:46 PM
One week ![]() My only source of entertainment, Baby Chelsey and the television. |